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Section I        Structure and Vocabulary
Part A Directions:
Beneath each of        the        following        sentences,        there        are four        choices        marked [A],
[B],        [C]        and [D].        Choose the one that        best        completes        the sentence.        Mark your answer on ANSWER

SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the

brackets with a pencil. (5 points)
1. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the
assertion        about economic recovery        just        around the corner        was untrue.
[A] would be
[B] to be
[C] was (D)
[D] being
2. Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it killspeople each year than

automobile accidents.
[A] seven more times
[B] seven times more
[C] over seven times        ( B)
[D] seven times
3. It  ?s easy to        blame the        decline                of        conversation        on the        pace of modern life and on

the vague changesplace in our ever-changing world.

[A] taking
[B] to take
[C] take        (A)
[D] taken
4. This is        an exciting        area of study,        and onewhich new applications are being discovered

almost daily.
[A] from
[B] by
[C] in        ( C)
[D] through
5. can  be seen  from  the comparison of        these figures,        the        principle involves        the active        participation        

of        the        patient        in        the modification        of his condition.
[A] As
[B] What
[C] That        (A)
[D] It
6. Although        I  had been invited        to the opening ceremony, I was unable to attend
such short notice.
[A] to
[B] in
[C] with        (D)
[D] on
7. California        has more light        than it        knowsto do with        but everything else is expensive.
[A] how
[B] what
[C] which        ( B)
[D] where
8. The solution works only for couples who are self-employed, don                        ?t have small        children        and get        along

to        spend most of        their        time        together.
[A] so well
[B] too well
[C] well as        (D)
[D] well enough
9. Marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about  compliments to his

political leaders.

[A] paying

[B] having paid
[C] to pay        (C)
[D] to have paid

10. These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of

digital information thanin traditional media.
[A] exist
[B] exists
[C] existing        ( A)
[D] to exist Part B Directions:
Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked [A], [B], [C], and [D].

Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect and mark

your  answer  on ANSWESRHEET1 by  blackening        the        corresponding        letter        in        the brackets with a pencil.

(5 points)
11. Your  math instructor happy                to        give        you a makeupexamination and that your parents  ill at the time.        ([D] were        )
12. As the children become independent the family, the emphasis family
financial security will shift from protection for the retirement years.
( [D] saving        )
13. the        Times Co.  to purchase another        major  media company, there        is        no doubt
that it dramatically transform a enterprise that still gets 90% of revenues from newspapers.        ([C] family-run        )
14. Symposium talks will cover        of subjects        over-fishing to physical and
factors that affect the        of different species.        ( [C] environmental        )
15. Conversation        calls        for        willingness        to alternate                the role                of speaker with of , and it calls for occasional                ,digestive pauses        ? both.        ([B] that        )
16. If        two theories        are        equal their        ability        to        account a        body of        data,        the
theory that        with the smaller number of assumptions is .        ([A] in        )
17. The Committee adopted a resolution        the        seven automakers the        most cars in the state        2 percent of those vehicles        by 1998.                ([C] to make                )
18. poor people, who in general are colored, are richer people, who in
general are , there        ?s going to be a constant racial conflict in the world.
( [D] skinned        )
19. All        those        may        sound        in        theory,        but        even the        has        great        difficulty it comes to specifics.                ([B] great        )
20. automakers        modify                commercially        produced cars                to run        alternative        ,        the cars won?t        catch on in        

a big        way drivers        can fill        them up at the        gas station.
( [D] until        )
Part C Directions:

Beneath each of        the        following        sentences,        there        are four        choices        marked [A], [B],        [C]        and [D].                Choose

the one that        best                completes        the sentence.        Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the

corresponding letter in the

brackets with a pencil. (10 points)
21. An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to  further research and

further thinking about a particular topic.
[A] stimulate
[B] renovate
[C] arouse        (A)
[D] advocate
22. Although architecture has artistic qualities, it must also satisfy a number

of important practical.

[A] obligations
[B] regulations
[C] observations        (D)
[D] considerations
23. Life insurance is financial protection for dependents against loss
the bread-winner        ?s death.
[A] at the cost of
[B] on the verge of
[C] as a result of        (C)
[D] for the sake of
24. In education there should be a goodamong the branches of knowledge that contribute
to effective thinking and wise judgment.
[A] distribution
[B] balance
[C] combination        (B)
[D] assignment
25. The American dream is mostduring the periods of productivity and wealth generated by
American capitalism.
[A] plausible
[B] patriotic
[C] primitive        (A)
[D] partial
26. Poverty is notin most cities although, perhaps because of the crowded conditions in
certain areas, it is more visible there.
[A] rare
[B] temporary
[C] prevalent        (C)
[D] segmental
27. People wholive        in        small        towns often        seemmore friendly        than those living inpopulated areas.
[A] densely
[B] intensely

[C] abundantly        (A)
[D] highly
28. As a way ofthe mails while they were away, the Johnsons asked the cleaning lady to send
little printed slips asking the senders to write
again later.
[A] picking up
[B] coping with
[C] passing out        (B)
[D] getting across
29. Tom?s  mother tried hard to persuade him tofrom his intention to invest his savings in
stock market.
[A] pull out
[B] give up
[C] draw in        (D)
[D] back down
30. An increasing proportion of our population, unable to live without advanced medical

, will become progressively more reliant on expensive technology.

[A] interference
[B] interruption
[C] intervention        (C)
[D] interaction
31. These causes produced the great change in the country that modernized
theof higher education from the mid-1860        ?s  to the mid-1880        ?s.
[A] branch
[B] category
[C] domain (C)
[D] scope
32. Nobody yet  knows how long  and howseriously        the        in        the        financial system will drag down
the economy.
[A] shallowness
[B] shakiness
[C] scantiness        (B)
[D] stiffness
33. Crisis would be the right term to describe thein many animal species.
[A] minimization
[B] restriction
[C] descent        (D)
[D] decline
34. The city        is        an important        railroad        and industrial        and convention

[A] conjunction
[B] network
[C] junction        ( C)
[D] link
35. Prof.        White,        myrespected        tutor,        frequently        reminds metomyself of every chance to improve
my English.
[A] assure
[B] inform
[C] avail        ( C)
[D] notify
36. Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas thatdisease
resistance in neighboring plants.
[A] contracts
[B] activates
[C] maintains        (B)
[D] prescribes
37. Corporations and labor unions havegreat benefits upon their employees and members
as well as upon the general public.
[A] conferred
[B] granted
[C] flung        ( A)
[D] submitted
38. The movement of the moon conveniently provided the unit of month, which wasfrom one
new moon to the next.
[A] measured
[B] reckoned
[C] judged        (B)
[D] assessed
39. The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it wasto the
issue at hand.
[A] irrational
[B] unreasonable
[C] invalid        (D)
[D] irrelevant
40. Fuel scarcities and price increasesautomobile designers to scale down the largest
models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks.

[A] persuaded
[B] prompted
[C] imposed        (B)

[D] enlightened
Section II        Cloze Test Directions:
For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices
marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1
by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)

Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies low accident rates plan their safety

programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them        and active. When

the work is well done, a of accident-free operations is established time lost due to injuries is

kept at a minimum.

Successful safety programs may        greatly in the emphasis placed on certain
aspects of the program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding.
Others        stress        safe        work practices        by rules                or        regulations.        others                depend on an emotional                appeal

to the worker.        But,        there                are certain                basic        ideas        that must be used in every program if maximum

results are to be obtained.There  can be no question        about the value        of a safety        program.        From a

financial standpoint alone, safety . The fewer the injury , the better the workman        ?s insurance rate. This

may mean the difference between operating at or at aloss.
41. [A] at
[B] in
[C] on ( D)
[D] with
42. [A] alive
[B] vivid
[C] mobile        (A)
[D] diverse
43. [A] regulation
[B] climate
[C] circumstance        (B)
[D] requirement
44. [A] where
[B] how
[C] what        (A)
[D] unless
45. [A] alter
[B] differ
[C] shift        ( B)
[D] distinguish
46. [A] constituting

[B] aggravating
[C] observing        (C)
[D] justifying
47. [A] Some
[B] Many
[C] Even (D)
[D] Still
48. [A] comes off
[B] turns up
[C] pays off        ( C)
[D] holds up
49. [A] claims
[B] reports
[C] declarations        (A)
[D] proclamations
50. [A] an advantage
[B] a benefit
[C] an interest        (D)
[D] a profit


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